Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy programEngineering the Future of Patient Safety through a Human Factors Lens, is approved for 1.0 CE in Ethics by the Patient Advocate Certification Board to satisfy the requirements for Board Certified Patient Advocates (BCPA).
Approved Through March 14. 2025

About Kristen Miller, DrPH, MSL, MSPH, CPPS

Kristen Miller, DrPH, MSPH, MSL, CPPS, Scientific Director of the MedStar Health National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare and Associate Professor at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, is a clinically oriented human factors researcher focusing on medical decision making, informatics, diagnostic safety, and patient safety.

About the Presentation

Engineering the Future of Patient Safety through a Human Factors Lens
As highlighted by Don Berwick more than 20 years ago, “We must accept human error as inevitable – and design around that fact.” The application of innovative human factors approaches supports the much-needed transformation of healthcare from reactive and less effective or non-sustainable solutions, to proactive, evidence-based, effective and sustainable person-centered safety mitigations. Human factors rests on a systems approach — one must examine the human interactions, and inter-dependencies within a larger system in order to optimize performance. Human factors and systems safety focus on redesigning work as opposed to redesigning the human who does the work.
One of the most prominent initiatives spawned from the patient safety movement has been the drive for patient engagement as a patient safety strategy. This presentation will include human factors engineering fundamentals and case studies to illustrate the crucial role of human factors in patient safety. The presentation will also highlight emerging systems-based strategies with patients as partners to ensure patient and family engagement and empowerment.
